Sunday, August 26, 2012

Why we easily get tired, just by reading and not by programming? ~

Reading is Fun, in an Engineering way ~  

Reading is one of the things that an Engineer will not do, nowadays. Nowadays, we always rely on internet, Youtube, blog, online tutorials, step-by-step pictures, etc. Why? Because we always get bored to the books that are not STRAIGHT-TO-THE-POINT. 

Reading needs a lot of effort, habit, and perseverance. There will come a time that you have to read 10 pages of nonsense topic, you'll fall asleep and will have itchy eyes, etc.

Difference of reading concept between Engineers and a Bookworm

Reading is a complex cognitive process of decoding symbols in order to construct or derive meaning. For us Engineers, we don't want to decode trash symbols to derive a flamboyant meaning. That's why, engineers always highlight what do they want to remember, and forgets all unnecessary words. It is also a risk for us, Engineers, to be like that in such a way that we might misunderstood the essence or meaning of the text.

Reading is a means of language acquisition, of communication, and of sharing information. For a Bookworm, reading books gives them a view of what they're reading. from colors to textures, they can see all the information in the text, they can understand each word, and they can relate the text to the other books.

As an Engineer, I would like to connect those two concept. I want to see what a Bookworm can see while they're reading as well as to filter all the necessary words. I will start reading this book entitled, "Digital Principles and Logic Design". Some of my co-engineering students aren't reading the introduction part of books, but I will read them all. It will not be a "just for fun"  nor a "proving myself to the world" activity, but I want to learn new techniques that will satisfy my brain, enjoy it with imagination, and nourish it with overflowing information.

Why don't you try it too ? :)

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